Fulfilled Scripture (Luke 4:21)


And He began to say to them, “Today this Scripture has been fulfilled in your hearing.”  -Luke 4:21 NASB

Jesus made this statement in a worship assembly in Nazareth, His hometown. He had just finished reading a passage from Isaiah about His own ministry. This is astounding because Isaiah was written 750 years before the time of Christ. Even more astounding — the Jews, in whose hearing that passage was fulfilled that very day, did not believe. Will you?

Adam Willingham

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The Name “Jesus” (Luke 2:21)

and his name shall be called_wide_t_nt

And when eight days had passed, before His circumcision, His name was then called Jesus, the name given by the angel before He was conceived in the womb. -Luke 2:21 NASB

We use the term “Jesus” everyday, but do we even know what it means? The word is a transliteration of the Greek term Iesous (ee-ay-sooce’), which is a transliteration of the Hebrew term Yehoshua (yeh-ho-shoo’-ah), which means “Yahweh saves” or “Yahweh is salvation.” How wonderful, that even the very name given to God’s Son is a message of salvation!

Adam Willingham

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